Gold Coast Painting Specialists

Can you patch your own walls and save money

Repaint Pro - Painters Gold Coast

Wall Painters

Can you patch your own walls and save money

Some tenants and owners tend to get quite embarrassed with holes in walls or ceilings and think about patching the job themselves prior to getting us in to paint it.
Yes you absolutely can patch your own walls or ceilings prior to us getting there, however in most cases the end result is it costs more time and money for us to pull all the filler out and start again.
Over the years I have been painting I would have only ever had 1 or 2 owners patch a wall correctly and actually saved themselves some time and money.
in 1 in 1000 cases it’s best leave it to the experts, go get a cup of coffee………call us and we will fix it properly from the start for you.

An image of a very poorley patched wall (this cannot be painted over!)


Picture of Stephen Lockyer

Stephen Lockyer

Professional painters and Decorators on the Gold Coast. Serving all your interior and exterior painting needs.

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