Do You Know These Facts About Lead-Based Paint?
Before the 1970s, both interior and exterior paint usually contained lead. So, if your Gold Coast home is an old construction and you haven’t repainted it since then, then there are chances that you may be dealing with a lead-based paint job. As the paint gets chipped and flaked it can release lead paint dust into the air of your home which is dangerous and toxic. Long term exposure to lead based paint can be damaging to the nervous system and the brain. Studies reveal that a huge number of children are dealing with high levels of lead in their systems, so this is something that you want to avoid near you.
Don’t forget, lead paint was not only used on trim and walls, but also on antique frames and furniture. So, it is vital to be aware of all the painted surfaces you have in your home. If you are not sure that whether the paint in your surroundings is lead-based or not then, buy a test kit from your hardware store. You have to perform a simple swab test that will change color if lead is detected in your paint.
What to do when lead is detected in your paint?
Firstly, remember that EPA doesn’t recommend non-professionals to remove it on their own. This is definitely not a DIY type of job. If the paint is still intact and firmly fixed then take help of home painters Gold Coast, and get the walls painted with fresh coat of paint to get rid of lead based paint. You can also paint your surroundings on your own.
If it is peeling or chipping and needs to be removed then call professional painters Gold Coast. Lead paint is highly dangerous when it is being removed so you must ensure you use services of professional painters who are well-trained and knowledgeable in providing effective services. If this is not correctly done, you will have a home that is even more dangerous after the lead-based paint is removed and the interior paint dust is everywhere.
You should not be around when the work is being done in your home because it is not a dangerous environment. Skilled painters wear protective bodysuits and masks to protect themselves. Don’t allow lead-based paint to create health hazards for you, hire team of experienced painters today and remove lead based paint from your Gold Coast home.
For free quote, feel free to give us a call.
Image Source: https://pixabay.com/

Stephen Lockyer
Professional painters and Decorators on the Gold Coast. Serving all your interior and exterior painting needs.
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