Gold Coast Painting Specialists

Instant Lawn Green Gold Coast

Repaint Pro - Painters Gold Coast

instant green lawn by repaintpro

Instant Lawn Green Gold Coast

Do you want instant green lawns?

Need green lawns to sell a house?

Need instant green lawns to host an event?

Need instant green lawns to hold a party?


Want greener lawns than your neighbours……………..then we have just the thing for you. It’s not a painted green lawn, we use a specific UV and water-tolerant pigmented dye.  Drys fast and won’t comes off on shoes etc.We can turn your brown lawns instantly green, it will last for       8-10 weeks, even with a couple of mows!Call or text green lawn to 0403311125 and I will call you back ASAP.


Picture of Stephen Lockyer

Stephen Lockyer

Professional painters and Decorators on the Gold Coast. Serving all your interior and exterior painting needs.

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