Interior and Exterior Painters for Home
Before you select the right painter for your home, you need to keep few pointers in mind. There is a huge difference between every painter’s skills and abilities when it comes to the real world scenario. Many painters claim a lot, but it is ultimately their work that sets them apart from each other. Always remember that expensive doesn’t mean the best and cheap not always means bad. You must go through the works that the painters have done in the past to review their skills on individual basis. Here are some of the ways that will help you to select the right painter for the interior and exterior paint job.
Call More Than Two Painters
Before you take an estimate from a painter, make sure that you are calling more than two painters to review them. Always ask yourself what kind of paint job you are looking for and then look for a respective painter. If you want an inexpensive paint job, then you have to mention this clearly to the painter before showing them the area that needs to get painted. If you want a high quality paint job, then you have to clearly mention that you are not ready to compromise into anything. Never take the estimate on the phone and always call the painters to meet them in person. Show them the site and then take the estimate accordingly. Ask the painters about their past work and speak to their customers to get reviews in a better manner.
If you are calling the painter on a recommendation, then ensure that you have gathered all the knowledge about the painter. If you have got the painter recommended from a friend, then look at the paint job your friend has got done from the same painter. You can also ask for the painters in the hardware stores. As many painters get their equipments from these shops, it is lot more easy to find many choices there.
Use Good Quality Paint And Tools
Make sure that you are using best quality of paint and tool for the painting job. Never give full contract to painter along with all the tools and equipments as many painters tend to save on the contract by using low quality brushes and paints. Ensure that you are providing the painter with the top quality brush and latex paints. Latex paints are of much better quality and give you a very good finish and coverage. If your painter is specifying paint, then get it checked at the hardware store and look for the best quality options. As painting is done once in every 3-5 years, be sure to check several brands and grades before you finalize the shade. An expensive paint might cost you more but they give you a lot better finish and they also come with warranty.
Always get good quality rollers and brushes as the final finish on the surface on the wall depends a lot on the type of brush that is being used.

Stephen Lockyer
Professional painters and Decorators on the Gold Coast. Serving all your interior and exterior painting needs.
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