Gold Coast Painting Specialists

Top Tips For Paint Color Harmony

Repaint Pro - Painters Gold Coast

Professional Painting Gold Coast

Top Tips For Paint Color Harmony

Harmony! It is such a positive word, associated with cohesion, musical notes and everything working together. When we talk about interior decorating, harmony is something that everyone seeks in their home. It take a little knowledge, but by learning to use textiles, paint colors and textures in a right way, you will have your Gold Coast area home will have a cohesive, smooth vibe before you know it.
To guide you in the right direction, our professional painting Gold Coast company have compiled 4 helpful painting tips for creating paint color harmony.

Begin with the basics

Gone are the days of “matching-matching” color schemes where everything is turquoise and mauve. Eclectic is in, but that doesn’t imply that anything will work. There is a way of creating cohesive flow and to pull it off you must first understand what is at work making the visual style in your home. Begin by ensuring that the interior paint on your trim is the same as it moves through your home. This is a color that connects each room as well as frames each room, mismatched trim will break up your space. Next, take a look at the colors and patterns that are present in your home like furniture, rugs etc. as they are all a part of your color flow.

Same color family

One simple way to ensure that all the wall paints in your home are in harmony from room to room is to choose paint colors from the same color family. Once you choose a color, vary it by using darker and lighter shades throughout your home. You can use same accent color in each room or for each room you can select a different signature accent color. This way you can ensure a color-harmonious home.

Create a color team

Begin by choosing your favorite three or four paint colors also make sure that they work well together. Also, decide how to use them in each room. For example, you love yellow, gray and aqua. Paint your living room gray with aqua and yellow accents, paint your kitchen yellow with aqua and gray accents and do your dressing room in aqua with gray tiles and yellow hand towels. This way you will have same colors throughout your home.
So, now you know everything that will help you select paint colors that will connect your space and create harmonious color flow. If you need more help in color department or applying fresh coat of paint on your walls, then contact professional painting Gold Coast company. Repaint Pro would be happy to assist.

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Picture of Stephen Lockyer

Stephen Lockyer

Professional painters and Decorators on the Gold Coast. Serving all your interior and exterior painting needs.

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